3uShop Multiple
When I received my order from 3u Shop there was a extra module in the package. This multiple was one of the first modules I build with my reflow oven. It was small enough to test the oven and with me having to spend a lot of money on parts. Any multiple in your rack … Continue reading “3uShop Multiple”
Budgie Synths Blackbird
Well oh well this is a special one. It’s also still in the prototyping fase. The module is a random acid generator and can (also) be used to create basslines. I’m testing this module out and want to thank Budgie for sending me one of these. I still want to do a full build report … Continue reading “Budgie Synths Blackbird”
Budgie Synths Greenfinch
I got this filter from a fellow designer. It’s still in the prototype fase and I’m one of the lucky ones to test it. It’s a really nice filter. It resemble the MS-20 filter when listening to it. It have to double check with Budgie is it’s based on that design. It has low pass, … Continue reading “Budgie Synths Greenfinch”
Cagey ThirtyThreeFifty
I got this filter from a friend of mine. He just send the pcb’s and panels and a link for the bom. As we where both building it we found it had some error’s. After he emailed Cagey we discoverd he accidentally uploaded the old files and our board where made based on that. Knowing … Continue reading “Cagey ThirtyThreeFifty”
Erica Synths Bassline
I like the sound of this one. It sometimes remind me of the 303 acid sound. It isn’t quite the same but it can lean to that specific sound. It was a small disaster to build. Lot’s of parts and I just don’t like it when the resitors are standing up. But just because of … Continue reading “Erica Synths Bassline”
Erica Synths BBD Delay/Flanger
It’s been awhile since I’ve build this one. I don’t use it that often in patches. I do need more effects in my rack so it’s kinda strange I don’t use this that much. I have to look it up if it still needs calibrating but the sound it makes doesn’t really get to me. … Continue reading “Erica Synths BBD Delay/Flanger”
Erica Synths Envelope
I build a few of these and what a buggers to build. Still one of them won’t operate as it should. The components are quite dense and prone to make mistakes. But when the do work it’s a nice ADSR. I would not recommend them just because of the poor layout of the pcb’s. I … Continue reading “Erica Synths Envelope”
Erica Synths Mixer
These mixers I use a lot. I have a few of them all scattered in my rack. With two output they tend to be quite handy. These one I really like and use a lot. Building these is not that hard to do. https://github.com/erica-synths/diy-eurorack Difficulty to build: Easy
Erica Synths Output
I have used this output module a long time before I bought a Expert Sleepers ES-9. It’s still in my rack and I’m still using it some times. It routes all sound to my amp and speakers and sometimes my headphones. It was not a difficult module to build. https://github.com/erica-synths/diy-eurorack Difficulty to build: Medium, Easy
Erica Synths Polivolks VFC
It’s a nice sounding filter. The build is not that difficult and can all be done on one pcb. It has a low pass and a bandpass. It’s not my favorite filter but it does the job it needs to do. https://github.com/erica-synths/diy-eurorack Difficulty to build: Medium/Easy
Erica Synths VCA
You can’t have enough VCA thay all said. Well this one is a dual VCA with a mixed output. The VCA it self I do like and use it a lot in my patches. This was one the the DIY version of Erica product I did like to build. The spacing of the components is … Continue reading “Erica Synths VCA”
Erica Synths VCO
I just finished building the VCO and did a little bit of testing on it. I might update this post when I have used it a bit more. But first impressions it sounds really good. I like the FM and pulse input and have been playing with those CV inputs and lfo’s a bit and … Continue reading “Erica Synths VCO”
Expert Sleepers ES-9
I don’t buy that many modules (unless it’s MFB) but this one I made a exception. I needed a good way to combine my rack with my DAW and this module is in my opinion the best to do so. I bought it second hand and only scratched the surface so far but recording my … Continue reading “Expert Sleepers ES-9”
Extralife SuperSixteen Sequencer
I was in need for a sequencer. Then I found this module by Extralife. It’s a nice step sequencer that I use a lot. Maybe also because at this moment it’s the only sequencer I have in my rack. I build two of these. You can but this module build but the files to DIY … Continue reading “Extralife SuperSixteen Sequencer”
Feedback Modules 1 Bit multi-tap Delay
Oh this one I love so much. Still think about building a second one. These delay is something special. During the build I feel in love with how they have made the manual. Even if your not building this check it out I think it’s one of the best way to make a build manual. … Continue reading “Feedback Modules 1 Bit multi-tap Delay”
Feedback modules Pre CR
This is a modules based on a famous mixer. As feedback modules tells us: Sound design channel strip based on a famous late eighties small mixer used mostly for the well known TB303 distortion sound. Well indeed it does. It can overdrive your sound but still makes it sound awesome. I believe this was the … Continue reading “Feedback modules Pre CR”
Feedback modules Pre KM
This module is based on a famous mixer. As feedback modules tells us: Sound design channel strip based on a famous late seventies small mixer used by many electronic music bands. I like this one as it can overdrive drum sounds quite nicely. The chip it needs can be hard to find. https://feedback-modules.myshopify.com/collections/modules/products/pre-km YouTube review … Continue reading “Feedback modules Pre KM”
Feedback modules Static
I bought this after the 1bit delay cause I was loving there build manuals and I was in need for some noise. Well this modules just makes some noise. From white to pink and dark and digital. If you are in need for noise I can recommend this module. Its also available as a build … Continue reading “Feedback modules Static”
Haraldswerk / Thomas Henry Mega Percussion Synth (MPS)
Open to offers I bought the book from Thomas Henry online at Lulu, it was a very good read and it has the MPS explained in it. I always wanted to have this module. And one day Harald had contacted Thomas Henry and got permission to design a pcb and panel for it and release … Continue reading “Haraldswerk / Thomas Henry Mega Percussion Synth (MPS)”
Haraldswerk 24dB Ladder filter
Oh I like this one. It sound really good. Harald based this design on the Moog ladder filter. It has mutliple outputs and feeding the 12db output into the second input it can even function as a sine vco. This filter is quite big in size but I tend to use it quite a lot. … Continue reading “Haraldswerk 24dB Ladder filter”
Haraldswerk 36DB VCF
Another filter from haraldswerk. This time a 36db one that can also be used as a sine VCO when plugged in from the 12db output into the second input. I haven’t used it much I just finished calibrating the bad boy. Have to update this post when I have played a bit more with it. … Continue reading “Haraldswerk 36DB VCF”
Haraldswerk ADSR
I have build a few of these and use them quite a lot. I have some spare pcb’s and panels in my drawers to build even more of these. (If you looking for a set contact me). The ADSR does what it should do and like most of Haralds design it very well designed. Harald … Continue reading “Haraldswerk ADSR”
Haraldswerk Buffered Multiple
Open for offers This module is like the normal multiple but it does need power where the normal one doesn’t. It buffers the input and routes it to the seven outputs. The buffering can be important when working with a input that has to be exactly the same on the outputs like pitch. You don’t … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Buffered Multiple”
Haraldswerk CV Mover
I use this module to transpose pitch in some of my patches. But the description on Haraldswerks site says it can do a lot more. Maybe I have to play with it a little more just to test all of that out. I does what the name says it will do, move CV. Harald also … Continue reading “Haraldswerk CV Mover”
Haraldswerk Mixer
This mixer I tend to use as my final mixer before sending it to a output module like the Erica Synths Output or my Expert Sleepers ES-9. The nice thing about this module is has a led indicator. The led turns on when there is to much signal going into the mixer. The mixer also … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Mixer”
Haraldswerk Multiple
Open for Offers I have a few of these. These are the most simple modules to build and handy to have in your rack. It is just duplicating the input to the seven outputs. It doesn’t need power and if you want to start building a module and never touched a soldering iron this is … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Multiple”
Haraldswerk Precision Adder
Open for offers Nice little module that can add signals together. I use this to add pitch signals. Run a sequence in it and then transpose the sequence once in a while. From Haralds website: It can be used in different ways: As three independent adders, as buffered multiple, adding a modulation source simultaneously to … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Precision Adder”
Haraldswerk Quad LFO
I build two of these. I changed the capacitor values on one of my build to give me a really slow LFO. I like these LFO’s they end up in a lot of my patches. The module itself is a bit big a takes up quite some space but you never have to switch between … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Quad LFO”
Haraldswerk Quad VCA
You can never have enough VCA’s in your rack and this module has four of them. I still find this one a bit tricky to calibrate. Maybe I should take it out of my rack and give it a second or third try to calibrate. I don’t use them as much as my other VCA’s … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Quad VCA”
Haraldswerk Utility Mixer
This mixer is great for mixing CV sources. I use it to mix LFO’s. I has a offset with negative 5 volt or positive 5 volts. A switch for attenuation (6db) a summing output and a inverted summing output. Handy little tool to have. It’s a bit difficult to calibrate unless you have the right … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Utility Mixer”
Haraldswerk Voltage Reference
I mainly use this module to tune my VCO’s. But paired with the precision adder it can also be use to transpose pitch. This module outputs octaves and semi tones. I had to do a little trick to make the headers fit. Maybe will do a build report on this one, so others can do … Continue reading “Haraldswerk Voltage Reference”
HaraldswerkTrapezoid quadrature through zero VCO
A big name for a module “Trapezoid quadrature through zero VCO”. Well as you can see from the picture it is a big module for sure. I still need to calibrate this one and haven’t tested it a much as I would like too. I just needs some time with it to really tell something about … Continue reading “HaraldswerkTrapezoid quadrature through zero VCO”
Hexinverters Mutant Bassdrum
This is my goto Bass drum. It was one of my first builds. It’s bassed on a 808 bass drum. Has CV inputs for pitch, decay and distortion. Overall it has a nice sound and it can be distorted. Great for techno bassdrums. http://www.hexinverter.net/mutant-bassdrum Difficulty to build: Medium to hard, has multiple pcb’s and takes … Continue reading “Hexinverters Mutant Bassdrum”
Hexinverters Mutant Hihats
After the bass drum I build the hi-hats. These are also based on the 808. I really like the fade switch. This can close the open hi hat when the closed one is hit or can leave it open, or somewhere in between. It has a great effect on the decay of the open hi … Continue reading “Hexinverters Mutant Hihats”
Hexinverters Mutant Snare
For some people it is the best snare they have. I don’t like this one that much. Maybe I need to do some calibration on it again. I read more diy version are difficult to calibrate. It should be a 808 snare and like the Hihat and bassdrum it is designed on the 808. So … Continue reading “Hexinverters Mutant Snare”
Jakplugg Typhoon
This module is a Mutable Instruments Clouds on steroids . I haven’t build this module myself. When Beads came out these came on the second hand market for quite acceptable prices. So I bought one. I’m still figuring out how and when to use it. But I know I really like the reverb on it. … Continue reading “Jakplugg Typhoon”
Kassutronics ASR
This is a nice and small ASR module. Normally you would call this a ADSR module but Kassutronics left out the decay part and knob. He uses the ADSR in a way where the decay and release are often set the same. Therefor Kassutronics combined these two under one knob. The ASR can also loop … Continue reading “Kassutronics ASR”
Kassutronics KS20 Filter
This was one of my first filers. It’s based on the famous Korg MS 20 design. I believe it’s based on the late design by Korg. I’ve been looking into filter designs a lot lately and this one is really nice. A good description can be found on Kassutronics site: https://kassu2000.blogspot.com/2019/07/ks-20-filter.html He based the filter … Continue reading “Kassutronics KS20 Filter”
Kassutronics VCO 3340
Just another 3340 VCO. This chip is used in a lot of VCO these day’s. The CEM3340 chip was achip used in a lot of older synths like the Roland SH-101, the Sequential Prophet 5 (Rev.3) and more. Electricdruid.net has some schematics and more background information on that online https://electricdruid.net/cem3340-vco-voltage-controlled-oscillator-designs/ The CEM3340 VCO chip has … Continue reading “Kassutronics VCO 3340”
MFB 24db SED Filter
After DIY-ing a few modules I bought this as my first non DIY eurorack module. I just love MFB and I was in need for a good filter. While this fitted all my needs. Bought it second hand on a pretty good deal. https://youtu.be/kUepRppcW4A (not my video) Difficulty to build: No DIY. Bought it.
MFB 522 Bassdrum
This is not a DIY module. Most of my rack is DIY, but I’m a big sucker for anything MFB. I bought this module second hand. It’s my go to bass drum. Punchy, it has a lot of CV options and just my favorite kick/bass drum. They can only be bought second hand because MFB … Continue reading “MFB 522 Bassdrum”
MFB 522 Clap
Like the MFB Bassdrum this module can only be bought. The isn’t a DIY version for these 522 modules. I bought this to match the bass drum and really like the sound of this clap module. But then again I’m just a MFB fanboy. Still looking to buy the others in the 522 range. If … Continue reading “MFB 522 Clap”
MFB dual LFO
I bought this LFO mainly because of the reset function. I really enjoy using this LFO in my patches. I think it’s one of the best LFO out there, but hey I’m a MFB fanboy. The switch can be used to trigger the second LFO from the first one. The options this LFO got are … Continue reading “MFB dual LFO”
MXMXMX Temps Utile
Many people use this as a master clock module. As I have a few LittleBens in my rack I tend to feed it a external clock and use it as a drum trigger sequencer. It show how many possibles this modules has for a eurorack setup. I was my first clock module before I build … Continue reading “MXMXMX Temps Utile”
Neutron Sound Orgone Accumulator
I bought this module a few years back. It’s a great digital oscillator with a few trick up it sleeve. It has a Teensy on the back loaded with the firmware. I bought it when it was still made with thruhole parts nowaday it comes as a SMD version. I should still be possible to … Continue reading “Neutron Sound Orgone Accumulator”
New goodies
The doorbell rang today and there was the mailman with a package. The side-chain I posted earlier new revision was in the packages. So I just can not wait to build and test it. Hopefully I don’t have to make another revision. If everything is alright it will be in the shop this weekend or … Continue reading “New goodies”
Quinie Hagiwo Quantizer
Well I can write a lot about this module, but I already did on different parts and topic on this site. I made this module myself based on Hagiwo design. Used his schematic, changed the DAC chip to a thru-hole type and made pcb’s and panel for it. It’s a nice little quantizer with slide … Continue reading “Quinie Hagiwo Quantizer”
Quinie LittleBen
Another one of my own designs. I was in need for a master clock that would display the BPM and could be adjusted with a knob. There aren’t that many out there that fitted my needs. So I made Littleben. It started out as a simple clock with 4 clock outs and 4 reset outs. … Continue reading “Quinie LittleBen”
Quinie NanoGris
open for offers on build modules Another one of my own designs. The original design is made by Mutable Instruments and called Grids. It’s a drum trigger sequencer. When starting into eurorack I started out with a lot of drum modules. But had nothing to trigger them. I designed the Nanogris of the Grids schematics … Continue reading “Quinie NanoGris”
Recursinging Kxmx bluemchen
I just finished one of these. I found his post by accident on modwiggler. After seeing it I went into a rabbit hole for a few days. This baby is a small Daisy patch and open source. If you don’t know what a Daisy patch is… well these days a lot of modules come out … Continue reading “Recursinging Kxmx bluemchen”
Skull and Circuits The big Bass Machine
This module I build a few months ago. I’m still experimenting with it. It makes great bassline’s. I don’t know yet if I have calibrated it enough but it sound awesome even without. When I have played enough with it I will surely update this post. But if you are looking for a module that … Continue reading “Skull and Circuits The big Bass Machine”
Skull and Circuits VCF-3
Another filter based on the LM13700 chip. A lot of filters use this chip and have similair designs. I have to double check the schematics on the skullandcircuits.com but this could be based on the MS 20 design by Korg (didn’t check yet when posting this). It has it’s own sound that’s one reason to … Continue reading “Skull and Circuits VCF-3”
Soundforge Braids
Open for offers I love these Braids VCO. The original design is by Mutable Instruments. Soundforce.nl have made it into a THT version with a 12bit DAC. The DAC does sound great for being only 12 bits. It functions like the normal Braids, it even looks the same but is far less hard to build, … Continue reading “Soundforge Braids”
ST Modular Dual LFO
After building the 3uShop Multiple in my reflow oven I went on a reflowed this module. It’s a dual LFO by ST modular. It’s small and compact with two LFO. It can go pretty fast. Everything depends on the values you choose for the capacitors driving the LFO’s. I like this one because it so … Continue reading “ST Modular Dual LFO”
Timo Rozendal Thomas Henry’s Bass++
This is one of the modules I always wanted to have. Just because I have read the book from Thomas Henry before I started on my DIY eurorack journey. This module is designed by Timo Rozendal based on the Thomas Henry design from his book. From the little contact I had with Timo he really … Continue reading “Timo Rozendal Thomas Henry’s Bass++”
Weston Audio AD110
I started out my eurorack with drum modules. It was more a drum machine then a synth. But when the hexinverters clap failed to startup and the snare wasn’t what I tough it would be I started building other modules. But I found myself always looking for more drum sounds. The snare and clap where … Continue reading “Weston Audio AD110”
Weston Audio B1 Kick/Bass voice.
A bass drum and a bass voice all in one. This one was nice to build I has multiple pcb’s but it’s well ordered. The manual is not the best but also not the worst. I need to use this module more then I do right now. I had it in my rack for a … Continue reading “Weston Audio B1 Kick/Bass voice.”