I got some good feedback and wanted to share the answers for other users. Here is a post about some questions regarding the modules on this site. Some building tips and updates.
Continue reading “Some building tips – Answering questions from users (Nanogris, Hagiwo Quantizer)”A lot of Nanogris, back in store (even kits now)
The Nanogris are back in store. And I added kit options so you don’t need to source parts. Even a fully build option is available.
Nanogris big BOM mistake. Update for better range on Pots
If you have a Nanogris please update your boards. R31 needs to be replaced to 10k value. This resistor was wrongfully marked as a 100k value in the BOM. Thanks to Erik Mast for noticing and reporting it.
Resistor R31 is the same as R8 from the original schematics (bottom-right). It will calculate the reference voltage for the potentiometers. Replacing R31 only to 10k will give the pots the range they where intended with by Mutable Instruments.
This fix will result in:
- max value on the speed pot. making it run more smoothly/slower. (better range)
- potentiometers in the settings menu work
Store stock levels, Nanogris kits maybe?
I have been monitoring the store stock levels lately. As seen in my previous post my attention went towards my health. I have been sending out orders twice a week. But some products have run out of stock without me noticing.
The littleben kits have been order last week and did came in. The Nanogris 0.041 version run out, these have been ordered at the suplier. But it can take a few days/week for them to arrive.
If you do want a Nanogris the older version are in stock (only full black panels). The circle panels white and black have been ordered. The 0.041 version can be ordered but shipping will take place when they arrive from the supplier.
When I find the time I’ll will be putting up Nanogris kit’s also. full kits with all the part and some basic kit with the hard to get parts. I have to do some calculations on the prices but if you can not wait drop me a email and maybe we can work something out.
Using Arduino’s with Kicad, the troubles and solutions (BOM, of LittleBen and NanoGris)
It happens a few times when I sell one of the Nanogris or Littleben’s I get some questions about the Arduino’s. Sometimes these questions are easy to answer and are understandable because I made a small mistake. Quite often these mistake have there origin with Kicad footprints. I am working with Kicad 6 now and have to check if the Arduino’s are all there in the library. Both modules where made with Kicad 5 and I had to download some footprints from the internet. I could have made these footprints myself but as there where available I got a bit lazy. That resulted in some unclear BOM’s. I work quite a lot with Arduino’s uploading code and error’s and warnings are easy fixes for me. Not everyone does work with these modules daily. So here are a few tip’s, explanations and trick for working with Arduino’s, Littleben and Nanogris.
Continue reading “Using Arduino’s with Kicad, the troubles and solutions (BOM, of LittleBen and NanoGris)”Organizing Shop and Added v0.041 Nanogris
Today I started organizing the shop a bit more. Still not done, lots of work. The products have options to choose from now. Would like too add photo switching also but that would be a little bit more work.
The New Nanogris version is also added to the shop. I’m out of Quantizers but no worries these are ordered and underway.
NanoGris: 0.41 Whats new what’s different

Today I finished building the new boards and testing the results. The new boards function as they should. What has changed since the last versions.
0.03 Was the first version that was released to the public. Since then a few things have changed.
Continue reading “NanoGris: 0.41 Whats new what’s different”NanoGris: Older boards on sale and latest being tested
The new boards arrived today. Therefor all NanoGris boards and panels are for sale. These boards all function but have been updated for minor issues like footprint errors. Hopefully testing the new boards won’t introduce any errors and be in the shop this week or so.
NanoGris: A New name for NanoGrids
there are times you do things with the best intentions and still make a mistake. The NanoGrids module is originally by Mutable Instruments. The schematics are released under cc-by-sa-3.0 license on github. This makes these files open to the public to use.
Mutable Instruments is very kind to do so and ask for little in return. Naming your clone module is one of those little things.
from GitHub: We do not recommend you to keep the original name of the Mutable Instruments module for your derivative works.
I did not honor that request fully. I did not read it when building NanoGrids. It’s based of there Grids module. So I hope to make my mistake right again. I renamed the module to NanoGris
NanoGrids: minor updates, discount on 0.03 PCB’s

I did some minor updates on the Nanogrids PCB’s. As more and more people are building NanoGrids more wishes and suggestions came in. This feedback was more then welcome and resulted in some changes. So I pushed these changes to Github today and NanoGrids went from 0.03 to 0.04. This later (0.04) version is untested as I have to order the pcb’s.
This means the remaining NanoGrids PCB’s will be on sale in the shop. These are working board so what had to be changed.
- version 0.04 Just some text on the pcb’s to keep them apart
- Potentiometers have bigger holes to mount, so no more cutting or shaving they should fit now.
- Led orientation (added silkscreen).
- USB side text on silkscreen.
- Ground planes
- Panel Pot holes from 6,5mm to 8.4mm
Nothing major but still better.