LittleBen open source new version released

A new version for Littleben has been made. The firmware is build, might still be a bit buggy but it’s all on github now. New boards are order for the shop, at the time being I completely out of new boards. The older boards are now obsolete. I do still have a few of those for people that might be interested

I have put the older boards (pcb/panel) on sale for just 1 euro. With the hack provided before these are easly build into version 2. So when you are up for it you can now get a cheap version 1 and rebuild it to version 2. You could also order your own boards cause all files are on Github now.

More info will follow as the firmware progress, I still need to upload the new bom and hopefully will do that later this week.

Store stock levels, Nanogris kits maybe?

I have been monitoring the store stock levels lately. As seen in my previous post my attention went towards my health. I have been sending out orders twice a week. But some products have run out of stock without me noticing.

The littleben kits have been order last week and did came in. The Nanogris 0.041 version run out, these have been ordered at the suplier. But it can take a few days/week for them to arrive.

If you do want a Nanogris the older version are in stock (only full black panels). The circle panels white and black have been ordered. The 0.041 version can be ordered but shipping will take place when they arrive from the supplier.

When I find the time I’ll will be putting up Nanogris kit’s also. full kits with all the part and some basic kit with the hard to get parts. I have to do some calculations on the prices but if you can not wait drop me a email and maybe we can work something out.

Using Arduino’s with Kicad, the troubles and solutions (BOM, of LittleBen and NanoGris)

It happens a few times when I sell one of the Nanogris or Littleben’s I get some questions about the Arduino’s. Sometimes these questions are easy to answer and are understandable because I made a small mistake. Quite often these mistake have there origin with Kicad footprints. I am working with Kicad 6 now and have to check if the Arduino’s are all there in the library. Both modules where made with Kicad 5 and I had to download some footprints from the internet. I could have made these footprints myself but as there where available I got a bit lazy. That resulted in some unclear BOM’s. I work quite a lot with Arduino’s uploading code and error’s and warnings are easy fixes for me. Not everyone does work with these modules daily. So here are a few tip’s, explanations and trick for working with Arduino’s, Littleben and Nanogris.

Continue reading “Using Arduino’s with Kicad, the troubles and solutions (BOM, of LittleBen and NanoGris)”

LittleBen some updates

The picture gallery for LittleBen has been added to the site. Also new options for buying kits and build module are available now. New boards and panel are in stock, this time without the serial numbers (see picture)

LittleBen: Firmware on Github

The firmware for the LittleBen is on Github. This is the first release and does what it has to do, be a master clock a sending reset signals. With this release I started to think about other versions and new functions.

the thought is to release a 8 output random triggers firmware.

And as for new functions on the current LittleBen firmware is to use the start input as Clock in and Reset In. Also a possibility to use the outputs more individual. Let’s see what time going to bring. for now the working version for the LittleBen can be found on Github.

LittleBen: BOM, Info and more… now in the shop, a master clock

This week the new boards for LittleBen came in. I just could not wait to build one but had little time to do so. Until today I found a little hour to solder one. The new boards have seem to fixed all the issues the previous had. The buttons fit the panel and no wires needed to make it run. I did had to do a little coding, some button de bouncing and this rotary goes the other way.

But it working without any issues. Have been testing it with my supersixteen sequencer and all looks good so will be putting them up in the shop. The code will be on Github as open source. I’m still thinking about releasing the files for the PCB’s but it would be nice to at least get some of the R&D cost back before I do.

Read more for the BOM and some pictures

Continue reading “LittleBen: BOM, Info and more… now in the shop, a master clock”

The Time has come, LittleBen a master clock

Well I got frustrated by the bug in the Dotty code. I started something a new project to take my mind of it for awhile. The Dotty bug has been solved and is starting to get my attention back. But this other project was ordered and on it way to me in the mail. Yesterday it arrived.

This new thing I call LittleBen. It has one simple task and that’s to be the master clock.

Continue reading “The Time has come, LittleBen a master clock”