Well I got frustrated by the bug in the Dotty code. I started something a new project to take my mind of it for awhile. The Dotty bug has been solved and is starting to get my attention back. But this other project was ordered and on it way to me in the mail. Yesterday it arrived.
This new thing I call LittleBen. It has one simple task and that’s to be the master clock.
So here it is LittleBen working and all. The feature set is small for now but what can it do
- Set BPM
- Set amount of clock tick’s per BPM
- 4 Clock out
- 4 Reset out
- Reset can be set on each (X) beats.
- Play/Pause and Stop buttons/inputs
Like always I never seem to get it right on the first run of pcb’s. But luckily this time it wasn’t so bad I wouldn’t be able to make LittleBen. Just about four minor issues.
- The button holes in the panel where just a little bit to small (sandpaper fixed that)
- The switch of the rotary should have been connected to ground. (knife and wire)
- Missing a ground on a header pin (wire again)
- A footprint direction gone wrong. (just solder the part the right way and ignore footprint)
Will do a pcb update to fix the minor issues. But if you can’t wait I still have 3 pcb’s left if someone is interested, then do contact me. Could be awhile before I update the pcb to revision 2.