Hexinverters Mutant Hihats

After the bass drum I build the hi-hats. These are also based on the 808. I really like the fade switch. This can close the open hi hat when the closed one is hit or can leave it open, or somewhere in between. It has a great effect on the decay of the open hi hat. It takes external noise if you want to.

I’m a big fan of this hi-hat. the one think I would change is the panel color, because I like black panels more. Maybe I will change that in the future.


Difficulty to build: Medium to hard. Has multiple pcb’s and can take some time to build

Hagiwo Quantizer: how does it work, a bit of background

The Quantizer made by Hagiwo is a Arduino based quantizer. Hagiwo published all files and schematics. The code is readable and not packed into a hex files. I have put my own twist on the design by replacing the DAC.

The original post and design by Hagiwo can be found here:


So lets take a look on how it’s build and how it works.

Continue reading “Hagiwo Quantizer: how does it work, a bit of background”

Dotty: Buttons orientation (thanks Beta Testers)

I was in the wrong impression the orientation of the Dotty buttons didn’t really matter. I did place them all in the same orientation, didn’t mix it up but didn’t check also. Later found out I was lucky on most of the Dotty’s I build.

The buttons are read by a 4051 chips 8 buttons at a time I call them rows. All four rows worked most of the time. But one build had a problem with row three. When installed in one way the buttons Dotty stop recording steps. I rotated the buttons and Dotty worked again.

Thought it was strange never had it before on the previous versions, put it aside as a glitch to sort out. Then a beta tester reported the same. Now I had to dive into this problem and fix it.

Continue reading “Dotty: Buttons orientation (thanks Beta Testers)”

Organizing Shop and Added v0.041 Nanogris

Today I started organizing the shop a bit more. Still not done, lots of work. The products have options to choose from now. Would like too add photo switching also but that would be a little bit more work.

The New Nanogris version is also added to the shop. I’m out of Quantizers but no worries these are ordered and underway.