When ordering new parts my purchase prices went up a bit. I had to make some adjustments to the prices in the shop. The pcb’s of all modules are still available for the normal/old prices as always. But when ordering new pcb’s I will have to do the calculations on them too, they might go up a bit also. For now only the kit price for LittleBen went up a bit. These worldwide chip demand are effecting the market. Sorry if you where looking for a Littleben kit and now face an increase in price (about 7 euro for the full kit extra).
Dotty: New panels came in

The new panels for Dotty came in the mail today. I just could not wait to fit them on the module. It seems a very good fit just a tent of milometers off. The buttons jacks and led matrix fits a lot better this time. This was a small run of five panels. Beta testers will receive a new one in the mail.
Now it’s back to testing the code and the module. My number 5 and 6 buttons don’t seem to work anymore so lets see what causing that.
Building: Haraldswerks Buffered Multiple

This weekend I build some Buffered Multiples. The designs where made by Haraldswerks and the panel Gerbers by me as you could have read before. These little modules are really nice. Not just to build but also there function. Haven’t played a lot with them yet but running multiple oscillators from this module was quite fun this weekend. And building it only took about 45 minutes.
Continue reading “Building: Haraldswerks Buffered Multiple”Dotty update…3 or 4 or…

Well I have been doing some work on Dotty the last few days. Fixed a few bug a found some new ones. Fixed those to and now I have a beta version of a working Trigger Sequencer.
It takes a internal or external clock. This part had a bug so I have to breadboard/redesign it. Volume drops don’t appear any more. Most function are written in code, but not all. Still want to make a menu for clock settings and general settings. So still a lot of coding to do and a little PCB redesign but I’m getting there.
Making panels in Kicad from DXF
Some people seem to have some difficulty making panels in Kicad. This can be a art on it’s own. I’m just starting to make panel in Kicad, so I don’t know it all but here are my tricks.
I came to this by the Haraldwerks designs. These where made with Front panel express, great tool for designing panels. But the price of these panels where a bit to much for me so I went the cheap route and made them from PCB’s
Continue reading “Making panels in Kicad from DXF”Building: Haraldswerk.de Quad LFO and Panels

The last parts came in and the panel I made from the FPD file Harald was kindly enough to put in the documentation zip. So the LFO is finished and working. I have to say this was a very nice build to do. Minor smd part (only a few caps) and good documentation. If you done a bit of soldering before but not a real pro give these a go.
Download for panels in the read more
Continue reading “Building: Haraldswerk.de Quad LFO and Panels”Dotty: Progress on proto v2

Last weekend I have been playing with Dotty. Did a one hour session for friends and Dotty came thru. I didn’t even finished all the soldering. Left off the last three buttons, might be these will be lock version where all other buttons are non locked. Still thinking about that and the function I want to code for Dotty. Button caps didn’t arrive before the weekend, but I had to play with Dotty. Dotty does have a few bugs but certainly playable.
Continue reading “Dotty: Progress on proto v2”Dotty: Still working on it, prototype 2 on it’s way

I have been working with my first prototype of Dotty. Learned a lot and this weekend ordered new pcb boards. I dropped the TL074 from the design. These where there to drive led’s on output triggers and possibility to add some extra punch to the triggers.
The new prototype made with 2 pcb’s, a controll and a brains. I made the controls a little bit bigger for the buttoncaps to fit. I’m planning on using some big cap, the space between the buttons on prototype one wasn’t large enough. Let’s hope these new boards didn’t introduce new errors. Will have to wait and see.
Meanwhile the code is coming along, still a lot of work to do.

Dotty: First Code idea’s

The code for Dotty is beginning to take form. There is still a lot of work to do. The PCB has some errors that need to be solved. But that didn’t keep me from starting on the code with the first prototype. I started documenting a few.
Continue reading “Dotty: First Code idea’s”Dotty: Boards are in the mailbox

Well this week the Dotty prototype boards where in the mailbox. I was quite happy to see the boards, at first glance it all look fine. But will the boards fit together, did I make any mistakes. Let’s start soldering.
Continue reading “Dotty: Boards are in the mailbox”