We are moving

Well it’s been a long run. This domain has been registered since 2003. Now 20 years later i am switching providers. My old provider was Vevida. I was quite happy with them we had a good relationship and support was great.

But Vevida has been taken over by Yourhosting. I know them from past experience and wasn’t really happy with them but I gave them a change. This change has run out. I feel support isn’t what I’m used to have. My website back end is slow as…$@$#$ and I hope the front end is OK for everybody. But you can not run a website on hope.

So after 20 years it is time to part ways. I am in contact with support to make this breakup happening, I hope it isn’t a divorce where parties start fighting.

I backing up all files and database and will start the progress of moving. I hope you will not notice any outage but if that happens know what is going on and I will be back a soon as possible.

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