Prices for the Littleben kit, everything is getting more expensive.

When ordering new parts my purchase prices went up a bit. I had to make some adjustments to the prices in the shop. The pcb’s of all modules are still available for the normal/old prices as always. But when ordering new pcb’s I will have to do the calculations on them too, they might go up a bit also. For now only the kit price for LittleBen went up a bit. These worldwide chip demand are effecting the market. Sorry if you where looking for a Littleben kit and now face an increase in price (about 7 euro for the full kit extra).

Building: Haraldswerks Buffered Multiple

This weekend I build some Buffered Multiples. The designs where made by Haraldswerks and the panel Gerbers by me as you could have read before. These little modules are really nice. Not just to build but also there function. Haven’t played a lot with them yet but running multiple oscillators from this module was quite fun this weekend. And building it only took about 45 minutes.

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Building: Quad LFO and Panels

The last parts came in and the panel I made from the FPD file Harald was kindly enough to put in the documentation zip. So the LFO is finished and working. I have to say this was a very nice build to do. Minor smd part (only a few caps) and good documentation. If you done a bit of soldering before but not a real pro give these a go.

Download for panels in the read more

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