New goodies

The doorbell rang today and there was the mailman with a package. The side-chain I posted earlier new revision was in the packages. So I just can not wait to build and test it. Hopefully I don’t have to make another revision. If everything is alright it will be in the shop this weekend or next week or so. Just hope to find the time to build it.

After some good feedback on the blank panel there where also some new designs in the packages. These will be added to the shop soon. A fingerprint design, a second noise and a line design that also adds a few more hp versions to choose from.

Will be updating the shop soon.

CV Pal

open for offers

I build a few of these. When I was working with a Windows machine I could just use one of them. On a Mac I can use all of them. They are for intergration of de DAW with my rack. But since I bought a ES-9 I hardly use them anymore.

Posted on by Quinie

Difficulty to build: Medium, the atmel needs programming

Quinie LittleBen

Another one of my own designs. I was in need for a master clock that would display the BPM and could be adjusted with a knob. There aren’t that many out there that fitted my needs. So I made Littleben. It started out as a simple clock with 4 clock outs and 4 reset outs. Running on a Arduino mini the firmware grew and now it can do a lot more. It can divide clock, calculate a incomming clock and I’m still not finished in releasing firmware for it. I have plan for more functions. If you want to know more be sure to check out the menu on Littleben. If you want to build your own you can find it in my shop.

Quinie NanoGris

open for offers on build modules

Another one of my own designs. The original design is made by Mutable Instruments and called Grids. It’s a drum trigger sequencer. When starting into eurorack I started out with a lot of drum modules. But had nothing to trigger them. I designed the Nanogris of the Grids schematics but used all thruhole parts and a Arduino Nano. It was quite the journey. I did some pcb’s design before but this took a while to get right. And even when I got it right I still could do somethings better. The Nanogrids is now on version .041 and I think I got all things correct now. More info about this module on this site (see menu) and of course if you want to build your own it’s on GitHub and in the shop

Quinie Hagiwo Quantizer

Well I can write a lot about this module, but I already did on different parts and topic on this site. I made this module myself based on Hagiwo design. Used his schematic, changed the DAC chip to a thru-hole type and made pcb’s and panel for it. It’s a nice little quantizer with slide function. You can find more information on it on this website. If you want to build your own be sure to check out the shop. It’s fully open source if you want to make the pcb’s and panels yourself.

Haraldswerk Buffered Multiple

Open for offers

This module is like the normal multiple but it does need power where the normal one doesn’t. It buffers the input and routes it to the seven outputs. The buffering can be important when working with a input that has to be exactly the same on the outputs like pitch. You don’t want your CV input to lose voltage when routing it to seven VCO’s. For trigger or gates it doesn’t have to be important (use the unbuffered one) but when the voltage has to be precise use this one. I have a few of these in my rack.

Build report:
panel file:

Difficulty to build : Easy

Haraldswerk Multiple

Open for Offers

I have a few of these. These are the most simple modules to build and handy to have in your rack. It is just duplicating the input to the seven outputs. It doesn’t need power and if you want to start building a module and never touched a soldering iron this is one to start with

more information on building one:
And if you are looking for the panel files:

Difficulty to build : Very Easy

Haraldswerk / Thomas Henry Mega Percussion Synth (MPS)

Open to offers

I bought the book from Thomas Henry online at Lulu, it was a very good read and it has the MPS explained in it. I always wanted to have this module. And one day Harald had contacted Thomas Henry and got permission to design a pcb and panel for it and release it on the internet. Making this module available for me to build I was stoked. Harald’s design had banana jack and driven by 15volts. I was hoping he would release a version for eurorack 3,5 jacks and 12 volts.

On the modwiggler forum we started a discussion if it would be possible to convert his design to eurorack. I have contacted Thomas Henry and Harald and they both gave permission to do so. Thomas had just one request, please put my name on the panel so people will remember it was my design that started it. Surely we would do that. Together with other forum members we started our journey of converting it.

All in all it wasn’t that difficult. A few resistors changes and finding the right jacks and making the holes in the panel a bit smaller so it would hold the jack, that was it. The eurorack version of the MPS came alive. I was so happy to have this module finally in my rack after reading so much about it. The module can make all kind of sound. Bass drum, tom’s, lasers and much much more.

I still have to write up a build report and as you can see it’s quite a big module. I made two of these and if you are really interested I open for offers on one of them.

Again a big thanks to Thomas Henry and Haraldswerk for making it possible.

Difficulty to build : Hard/ Medium, needed a few modifications and wires

Haraldswerk Precision Adder

Open for offers

Nice little module that can add signals together. I use this to add pitch signals. Run a sequence in it and then transpose the sequence once in a while. From Haralds website: It can be used in different ways: As three independent adders, as buffered multiple, adding a modulation source simultaneously to all three outputs, adding two, three or four voltages precisely and a few more, depending on your patch.

I havve a few of these so I’m open for offers on one or two of them.

Difficulty to build: Easy

Soundforge Braids

Open for offers

I love these Braids VCO. The original design is by Mutable Instruments. have made it into a THT version with a 12bit DAC. The DAC does sound great for being only 12 bits. It functions like the normal Braids, it even looks the same but is far less hard to build, no SMD parts on this one. It needs a blue pill (Arduino on steroids) . It does requeir some skill to program it. I build five of these, and open for offers on one or two of them. It was just fun to build.

Difficulty to build: Hard. You need to program a blue pill.